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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another Girl born today


Heather said...

Hey I followed your comment here from coldantler farm.
Gorgeous lambs. What kind of sheep are they - Tunis?

Scarlet Tanager said...

Congrats on your new lambs! (I followed you here from Cold Antler). Lovely place you've got.

We are still inside city limits so rabbits are the only livestock we have but I keep dreaming about the day I can look out the window and see sheep grazing.

Crystal Springs Farm said...

Hi Scarlet Thank you.

The first animals I looked at to raise here were Rabbits. If I knew were to get some I would have gotten started with them since it's not as labor intensive as sheep. I have to say that letting the Lambs out on the pasture for the first time in the Spring is Magical, especially after taking care of them in the barn all winter!

Soon we are going to post a the birth of Samson, the mother gave birth to him while we were in the barn. Amazing pictures.

Crystal Springs Farm said...

Hi Heather,

Well thank you, the lambs are all doing well this year.

The sheep are Tunis and Barbados mix. They are called California Reds.